Photographes animaliers


Theo Bosboom est un photographe hollandais passionné, spécialisé dans la nature et les paysages.

En 2013, il a tourné le dos à une brillante carrière officielle, pour poursuivre son rêve de photographe professionnel à plein temps.

Il est considéré comme un créatif à l’œil aiguisé pour les détails et la composition, courant toujours après de nouvelles perspectives.

Les photos de Theo sont régulièrement publiées dans des magazines comme National Geographic, (édition hollandaise), Outdoor Photography et BBC Wildlife.

Il a remporté de nombreux prix et obtenu la reconnaissance, dans des concours internationaux comme Wildlife Photographer of the Year et European Photographer of the Year. Il a publié trois ouvrages : Iceland pure (2012), Dreams of wilderness (2015) et Shaped by the sea (2018).



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Distinctions & Parutions

European Wildlife photographer of the year 2013, runner-up birds category
Wildlife photographer of the year 2013, runner-up creative visions category
IPA 2013, winner in the book category Nature (professional)
Afpan 2012, 1st prize life of insects
Afpan 2012, winner life of insects category
Afpan 2012, special price composition (coup de coeur composition)
European wildlife photographer of the year 2012, highly commended
Nature´s best winland smith international awards 2012, highly honoured winner
Travel Photographer of the year 2012, special mention wild planet
European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2011, highly commended
European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2010, highly commended
Glanzlichter 2010, highly commended
Asferico 2010, winner in composition and forms category
Asferico 2010, runner up in under water category
Asferico 2010, 3rd place in mammals category
Asferico 2010, highly commended
Asferico 2009, highly commended

European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2008, highly commended

Asferico 2008, highly commended
European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2007, highly commended
European Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2007, runner up in plants category
Glanzlichter 2007, highly commended
BBC Wildlife photographer of the year 2006, highly commended
European Wildlife Photographer of the year 2006, runner up in category Natures studio
Argus Photocontest 2006, winner in category Forms and lines
European Wildlife Photographer of the year 2006, highly commended
Argus Photo contest 2005, overall winner (Argus Photographer of the year 2005)
European Wildlife Photographer of the year 2005, highly commended




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