Sites généralistes


Ce site (en Anglais) extrêmement complet et intuitif utilise les images de photographes animaliers pour encourager le grand public à découvrir et protéger la nature et la faune.

Vous pouvez découvrir en images les espèces menacées, classées selon plusieurs filtres :

la taxonomie

Capture d’écran 2014-10-15 à 12.33.15


la liste rouge (statuts de conservation de l'IUCN)

Capture d’écran 2014-10-15 à 11.39.17


le pays

Capture d’écran 2014-10-15 à 12.34.55


ARKive is brought to you by the wildlife charity Wildscreen. Our mission is to use the power of wildlife imagery to inspire the global community to discover, value and protect the natural world.

Working with the world’s very best wildlife and environmental filmmakers and photographers, Wildscreen collects, curates, showcases and shares the world’s best wildlife imagery through a series of inter-related initiatives, each uniquely helping to deliver the charity’s mission.

We are passionate about connecting people with the natural world and want to ensure more people experience and are inspired by nature. We are hugely grateful and truly value the support received from our contributors, sponsors and supporters across the globe – without them, none of this would be possible.


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