ASPAS, a pillar of nature protection in France

For over 40 years, ASPAS has been fighting for wildlife to be accorded greater respect. As a non-profit-making organization, we have chosen to refuse all public subsidies in order to retain total freedom of action. This political and financial independence is exceptional amongst the big French NGOs.

ASPAS defends wildlife that can’t defend itself – species classified as « harmful » or deemed insignificant or cumbersome. We mobilize public opinion, call on elected representatives and raise awareness among the general public of the need to protect the environments and different species. Our legal expertise is unique: during 40 years of existence, we have brought more than 3,500 cases before the courts to ensure that environmental law is adhered to and is able to evolve in a positive way. We even attack the public authorities in court when they do not comply with the legislation in force.

In conclusion, through a voluntary policy of land acquisition, we create fully protected Wildlife Reserves (labelled Réserves de Vie Sauvage®). In these quiet havens, without hunting, fishing, human exploitation or constraints, nature can flourish freely. 

Wildlife Reserves®, for a truly protected nature

In order to fight against the collapse of biodiversity, the Association for the Protection of Wild Animals (ASPAS) employs a simple but powerful tool: the ownership of land entirely dedicated to fauna and flora, labelled Réserves de Vie Sauvage® (Wildlife Reserves).

Created by ASPAS, this label corresponds to category 1b Wilderness Area of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classification, the highest level of nature protection in France.

Nature left to evolve freely

The Wildlife Reserves give wildlife the opportunity to evolve freely. The concept of free evolution aims to limit as much as possible all human interference which could have a direct impact on the ecosystems (wood cutting, hunting, fishing, etc.). It is a mode of management ‘without management’, where humans express their total confidence in the resilience of nature.

Protected areas but open to humans

The Reserves created by ASPAS are areas of strong protection and remain open spaces for immersive, contemplative, curious or amorous walkabouts. In these areas where nature is respected, humans are welcome if they come to see and leave everything be.

For more information about these Wildlife Reserves, please visit our dedidacted website (in French). 

Cet article ASPAS, a pillar of nature protection in France est apparu en premier sur ASPAS : Association pour la Protection des Animaux Sauvages.